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Coram Deo Academy


Training minds to know wisdom and forming hearts to worship in the presence, under the authority, and to the glory of Almighty God. 

Shaping the next generation!

Training minds to know wisdom and forming hearts to worship in the presence, under the authority, and to the glory of Almighty God. 

Training minds & forming hearts!

Training minds to know wisdom and forming hearts to worship in the presence, under the authority, and to the glory of Almighty God. 

For truth, goodness & beauty!

Training minds to know wisdom and forming hearts to worship in the presence, under the authority, and to the glory of Almighty God. 

Our Mission: Training minds & forming hearts.

Tour Coram Deo Academy today, and we will show you a day in our students' lives, their experience in and out of the classroom, our curriculum, and how we are training minds and forming hearts for success!

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